Your weekly horoscope revealed for 5 to 11 April
Check out your horoscope below
Astrologer to the stars Debbie Frank has shared her weekly horoscopes with HELLO! Online readers. Find out what the stars have in store for you below...
Now silver-tongued Mercury is in Aries alongside the Sun and Venus you can find ways to get people eating out of the palm of your hand. You've certainly got your spark back so why not work it? Friday is not the day to over-extend yourself but by the weekend plans come together and you're in your happy place.
You're not someone who likes to flick a switch and make changes in the blink of an eye, so you're pondering plans rather than pushing impatiently. It will be the second half of April that introduces an air of excitement. For now, you are readying yourself to meet the world and other people in different ways.
You're pulling in a larger crowd who are all interested in being part of what you want to do. Yet Friday's clash between Mars in Gemini and nebulous Neptune could result in something slipping through your fingers. It's worth double-checking you've got all your facts straight and that everyone understands what they are.
You might have been in your shell in recent months but are ready to launch yourself out there again. It's your intuition that is your internal GPS and it's telling you that something big is about to come your way. Even so, do not allow a temporary lack of enthusiasm floor you on Friday. It's natural for a water sign to experience this kind of ebb and flow.
Motivating yourself is becoming easier now that you can see potential pathways opening up. In fact, the possibilities are growing by the day. Except Friday. When a lack-lustre aspect between Mars and Neptune leave you hanging without answers. Don't let it dampen your fire!
You're a person who likes things to go according to plan rather than launch yourself into unknown territory without a compass. Yet this is exactly where you find yourself towards the end of the week. Even if you feel temporarily mystified by someone's lack of action or let-down, you will soon get your bearings again.
Unsurprisingly as someone important to you is being more forthcoming you feel more fully engaged with them. Ideas up for discussion make you both feel positive and happier about what lies ahead. So, even if you experience a blip in your energy field towards the end of the week it's truly nothing to worry about.
Well-being is not just about your physical health, but the combination of mind-body and spirit. An elevation in your mood affects every layer for the better, so you should be experiencing a re-set and boost that gives you a sense of purpose, emotional balance and energy. Which means that you can help others to see the bright side without compromising your own positivity.
You can sense a shift in terms of what's possible now. Yet perhaps you should sound a more cautious note around a particular individual who seems to be in la-la-land when it comes to the facts and figures. You're never one to rain on anyone's parade, but you can't afford to get caught out.
You're inclined to put more effort and energy into clearing things that are outstanding on the home-front. Particularly where you have uncharacteristically let things slide in recent months. Whether it's a paper mountain, an overload of clutter or a personal issue - addressing it this week will set you up for taking on new projects soon.
It's interesting that you're finding everyone is so keen on moving forwards that they're falling over themselves to take a leap without stopping to consider if a plan is really a lot of hot air. It's not that you're a pessimist, far from it. But you know timing is everything and it's more likely to be the second half of April that offers up the right conditions.
It's more obvious to you than most people that a delicate balance needs to be struck between having firm intentions and going with the flow. Although certain people are supportive and signs for the future look good, you still need to be tentative and careful. It's one thing having a dream, quite another to be find you've invested in a fantasy.